At their core, nitrogen generators are stationary nitrogen-making machines that can keep your operation’s nitrogen needs filled over the long haul. In this blog post, we’ll explain the basics of nitrogen generators, how they work and how they could help your business.
Two Types of Nitrogen Generators: Pressure Swing Adsorption and Membrane Filtration
Pressure Swing Absorption (PSA) generators separate pure nitrogen gas from the air we breathe via a carbon molecular sieve material housed inside a vessel. The pressure within this vessel then “swings” from normal to very high. While the pressure in the vessel is high, the sieve captures oxygen, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, leaving nitrogen. The pressure in the vessel then “swings” back to normal and is ready for new air to be introduced.
This variety of generator is used on-site in various industries, from packaging food to laser cutting and welding. PSA generators offer a steady flow of nitrogen right to your production floor with a high purity of up to 99.9995%.
Membrane filtration technology-based nitrogen generators also separate the nitrogen from the air around us, but have a completely different method of doing so. This technology works when air is compressed into a vessel and forced through a membrane. The membrane filters out oxygen, water vapor and other impurities out of its side walls, allowing only nitrogen to flow through. The nitrogen is then collected in a tank, ready for action.
This more cost-effective solution delivers nitrogen at purities up to 99.5% and is used for applications including within laboratories, pneumatic processes and oil and gas industries.
Benefits of a South-Tek Nitrogen Generator
Generating nitrogen on-site eliminates reliance on unreliable nitrogen tank suppliers. Saving you time, headaches and money in the long run. With a nitrogen generator you just pay for the machine and electricity to run it. Nitrogen generators are also more efficient than deliveries. With traditional suppliers you may waste excess gas, but generators produce only what you need when you need it.
Contact SouthTek today and see what kind of nitrogen generator is a good fit for your business.