Threat of Corrosion to Power Plant Equipment
Corrosion, as we all know, shortens the life of power plant process equipment. The internal protection from corrosion of boiler tubes, condensers, and wetted parts within small industrial boilers, HRSG combined cycle power plants, and large gas, oil, and coal fired power plants is extremely important during short term layups, right on to the long term plant outages. Without a form of protection, during the shutdown, corrosion can occur on these wetted parts at an alarming rate.
Chemical Solution – Harmful to the Environment
One solution, if the water is able to be circulated within these power plant parts during shut down, is to inject chemical inhibitors into the water stream. But introducing such chemicals into the system has become less desirable as the disposal of such presents environmental issues. If the water is drained from the wetted parts, residual water remains within, and along with oxygen (air) introduced during the draining process, corrosion begins.
Nitrogen Solution – The Environmentally Friendly Answer
Nitrogen has been used for years to protect against corrosion in power plant equipment and similar applications. Nitrogen, which makes up 79% of the air we breathe, is the perfect “green” solution for corrosion protection in power plant equipment. Nitrogen is inert and, by displacing the oxygen within the wetted parts with a low pressure slow flow nitrogen purge, you ultimately inhibit the oxidation/corrosion process.
In the past, power plants have purchased either banks of high pressure cylinders or liquid bulk Nitrogen to provide this form of corrosion protection. Today, with the installation of a nitrogen generator at your facility, you can generate your own nitrogen at a fraction of the cost versus purchasing nitrogen cylinders or bulk liquid nitrogen. Plus you can generate the nitrogen on demand, and never run out.
How Does a Nitrogen Generator Benefit the Power Plant?
The nitrogen generator simply separates mechanically, the nitrogen molecules from the other molecules found within the air and stores the nitrogen until needed for your process use. South-Tek Systems offers a complete line of reliable, cost effective nitrogen generators sized for your application. By using our Flow Rate Verification System and knowing the flow rates of nitrogen required, a nitrogen generator can be sized and installed at your facility accordingly, allowing you to realize the significant cost savings yielded by this technology.
PSA N2 Series Nitrogen Generators
South-Tek Systems’ Pressure Swing Adsorption (PSA) Technology in our N2-Series Nitrogen Generators produces high purity N2 gas in a safe, reliable, convenient, and cost effective process. These systems provide great benefits to the power industry and are easy to integrate and maintain.
Contact South-Tek Systems today to learn more about N2 Generators and the power industry: 888-526-6284.